Surprise Announcement

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Who doesn't love a good surprise? Although part of this surprise requires some guess work and to hamper your odds of being correct there's a few responses to choose from :)

I am genuinely awful at guessing, I get seriously stressed when asked to guess, most times I will just flat out refuse. So I think it's fun slash cruel to make you all guess what our announcement may be. I suppose my underlying issue with guessing spans from my inner engineer and her fundamental need to get everything right so no one dies. Extreme yes but that's what they teach you in engineering school!

Wrong calculation? A bridge collapses... Missing a circuit beaker? Someone gets electrocuted.. Incorrect material selection? Means you dismantle a 120 metre high observational wheel for refurbishment due to structural defects after only being open to the public for 40 days, lol what and epic fail the Melbourne Star is. Anyway I digress.

So, have a guess at which of the following (some exciting, some not) things that Ari and I would like to announce:

a. We were caught kissing in public yesterday and are in the process of being deported.
b. Ari has been working so hard that I've approved the purchase of a lambo for his birthday this year.
c. We've decided to call it quits here and head home to Australia for good!
d. We eloped back in 2011 when we arrived in Bahrain. That's right we're married!
e. We're at the airport leaving for Australia right now, hey Julz we'll be back for your big 3-0! You better well have a damn party now!
f. Will you still love us when we're no longer young and beautiful and are vegans?
g. Ari was in a fight and copped a black eye and subsequently broke a guy's nose.
h. We're adopting a blue point Siamese kitten with gorgeous sapphire eyes called Einstein.
i. We're the proud new owners of a 26 ft sail boat and I got to smash the champagne bottle to christen Lindari (the boat).
j. And for good measure, hey Ari I know this isn't the most orthodox communication medium to announce this to you and the world but I'm late... You know what that means.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the answer(s)!

With love from Bahrain,
Ari & Linda

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