Sofitel Zallaq Brunch

Friday, June 07, 2013

There's nothing that can make a Middle Eastern expat's eyes light up more than Friday brunch, except maybe for the fact they pay no tax but we'll get to my "best of Bahrain" list in another post next week. Brunch is an extraordinary ensemble of amazing foods coupled with four hours of unlimited adult beverages that most high end hotels put on every Friday (with the exception of during the month of Ramadan) and no other hotel does it better than the Sofitel in Zallaq!

Linda scoping our the delicious looking dessert display.

Now I'm starting to feel that I give the wrong impression about life in Bahrain, Ari and I don't really go out that much but when we do I think it's necessary to go all out.

At brunch, I generally always start off by canvassing the dessert buffet for what it has to offer then work my way backwards to starters from there. It's important to know what you need to leave room for.

Desserts at Sofitel Zallaq.

Not only is the food impressive, there is live entertainment to enjoy as you stuff your face. This particular brunch we were spoilt with Italian opera singers.

Enjoying Friday brunch with work friends and their families.

After brunch we caught the sun setting over the sea, the icing on the cake to a lovely day out. Although by that stage the thought of eating anymore cake let alone icing made me gag a little. Can you ever have too much of a good thing?!

Ari and Linda with the sun set over the horizon.

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